Setup the cluster's VPN
· โ˜• 6 min read
References   How To Run OpenVPN in a Docker Container on Ubuntu 14.04 | DigitalOcean   Running Docker Containers with Systemd Because we are installing our cluster bare metal on servers exposed on the Internet, we’ll need a way to secure all of our network traffic around the critical parts of kubernetes. To do so, we’ll use OpenVPN to create a virtual secured network where all of our nodes will work.

Setup the cluster's internal router
· โ˜• 8 min read
References   Add OpenAPI v3 schemas to CRDs by jrostand ยท Pull Request #157 ยท traefik/traefik-helm-chart ยท GitHub Start by creating traefik required resources. You can directly use resources from the  kubernetes/traefik templates: it does not contain variables. Those are taken from  traefik docs mixed up with  this PR for kubernetes 1.19 support and schemas. Please look forward for  this issue in traefik about official v1.

Make services reachable from the world
· โ˜• 4 min read
Now that you have a router installed, you have to pass requests on your server to it. This setup use a single entry point directly binding some ports on the host server. 1. Make a static and previsible configuration As you may have noticed in the step  Kickstart the cluster, the metallb configuration use only dynamic adresses. But for the reverse proxy to work, we’ll need to be sure that our traefik router has a constant IP in your VPN.