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Interface IColumnDefinition<TRow>

Description of a single column of a datatable.

Type parameters

  • TRow

    The type of the item to bind on the row


  • IColumnDefinition



Optional align

align: EColAlign

The alignment direction of the cells in this column. Defaults to 'left'

Optional class

class: TClassVal | function

The CSS class or a function returning CSS class(es) for cells of this column.

Optional component

component: string | VueConstructor | Component<any, any, any, object>

The component used to represent this cell

Optional field

field: keyof TRow | Path

The name of the field in the row object. You can use representedAs for further customization

Optional filterable

filterable: undefined | false | true

Controls whetever this column can be filtered. The default value depend on the column configuration.

Optional headerAlign

headerAlign: EColAlign

The alignment direction of the header of this column. Defaults to 'center'

Optional headerClass

headerClass: TClassVal

The base CSS class to apply to the header component.

Optional headerComponent

headerComponent: Vue

Header cell component of the column.

Optional interpolate

interpolate: undefined | false | true

Set to true to convert the return value of props.representedAs to HTML. Defaults to false


label: string

The label displayed in the header.

Optional sortable

sortable: undefined | false | true

Controls whetever this column can be sorted. The default value depend on the column configuration.


Optional representedAs

  • representedAs(row: TRow): string
  • Transformation function that returns the string to display


    • row: TRow

      TRow - The current row to transform and display

    Returns string

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