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Ajax table (via <code>data</code> function)


You can customize a single VueDatatable by providing a data function instead of the normal array of objects. This function should be a valid TDataFn.

If you want to customize the behavior of multiple tables, you may want to check how to use custom handlers. You may also want to debounce your data processing to avoid requests spamming.




import axios from 'axios';
import Vue from 'vue';
import { IDataFnParams, ITableContentParam, TColumnsDefinition } from 'vuejs-datatable';

import { colFieldToStr, formatUtcDate, ISpaceXLaunch, makeQueryStringFromObj } from '../utils';

const API_URL = 'https://api.spacexdata.com/v3/launches/upcoming';
const app = new Vue( {
    el:   '#demo-app',

    data: {
        columns: [
            { label: 'Flight number', field: 'flight_number' },
            { label: 'Mission name', field: 'mission_name' },
            { label: 'Launch date', field: 'launch_date_utc', representedAs: row => formatUtcDate( new Date( row.launch_date_utc ) ) },
            { label: 'Rocket type', field: 'rocket.rocket_name', sortable: false },
            { label: 'Launch site', field: 'launch_site.site_name_long', sortable: false },
                field:         'links.mission_patch_small',
                interpolate:    true,
                label:         'Mission patch',
                representedAs: row => row.links.mission_patch_small ?
                    `<img src="${ row.links.mission_patch_small }" alt="${ row.mission_name } patch" style="height: 6em;"/>` :
                    `<img src="https://www.gvmc.gov.in/wss/images/noimageavailable.png" alt="No patch for mission &quot;${ row.mission_name }&quot; available" style="height: 6em;"/>`,
                sortable:      false,
                field:         'links.reddit_campaign',
                interpolate:   true,
                label:         'Reddit link',
                representedAs: row => `<a href="${ row.links.reddit_campaign }">${ row.mission_name } Reddit thread</a>`,
                sortable:      false,
        ] as TColumnsDefinition<ISpaceXLaunch>,
        page: 1,
        async getData( { sortBy, sortDir, perPage, page }: IDataFnParams<ISpaceXLaunch> ) {
            const sortParams = sortBy && sortDir ? {
                order: sortDir,
                sort:  colFieldToStr( sortBy ).replace( /\./g, '/' ),
            } : {};
            const params = {
                // Sorting

                // Filtering
                // See https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/2025350/RWaEzAiG#json-field-masking
                filter: this.columns.map( col => colFieldToStr( col.field! ).replace( /\./g, '/' ) ).join( ',' ),

                // Paging
                limit:  perPage || 10,
                offset: ( ( page - 1 ) * perPage ) || 0,

            const url = `${ API_URL }?${ makeQueryStringFromObj( params ) }`;

            const {
                // Data to display
                // Get the total number of matched items
                headers: { 'spacex-api-count': totalCount },
            } = await axios.get( url );

            return {
                rows:          data,
                totalRowCount: totalCount,
            } as ITableContentParam<ISpaceXLaunch>;
} );


<div id="demo-app">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-12 table-responsive">
            <datatable :columns="columns" :data="getData"></datatable>
            <datatable-pager v-model="page"></datatable-pager>

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