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Ajax table (with handler customization)


You can create a custom Table Type dedicated to AJAX-sourced data. This approach has the advantage of being totally reuasble, while the AJAX via data function may be less reuasble across multiple table instances.

The example bellow reuses 2 times the same logic, changing only the data parameter to a different endpoint.

If you want to customize the behavior of your table for a single use, you may want to check the use of the data function. You may also want to debounce your data processing to avoid requests spamming.


Past launches

Upcoming launches



import axios from 'axios';
import Vue from 'vue';
import { TColumnsDefinition, VuejsDatatableFactory } from 'vuejs-datatable';

import { colFieldToStr, formatUtcDate, ISpaceXLaunch, makeQueryStringFromObj } from '../utils';

VuejsDatatableFactory.registerTableType<any, any, any, any, any>( 'ajaxtable', tableType => tableType
    .setFilterHandler( ( source, filter, columns ) => ( {
        // See https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/2025350/RWaEzAiG#json-field-masking
        filter: columns.map( col => colFieldToStr( col.field! ).replace( /\./g, '/' ) ).join( ',' ),
    } ) )
    .setSortHandler( ( endpointDesc, sortColumn, sortDir ) => ( {

        ...( sortColumn && sortDir ? {
            order: sortDir,
            sort:  colFieldToStr( sortColumn.field! ).replace( /\./g, '/' ),
        } : {} ),
     } ) )
    .setPaginateHandler( ( endpointDesc, perPage, pageIndex ) => ( {

        ...( perPage !== null ? {
            limit:  perPage || 10,
            offset: ( ( pageIndex - 1 ) * perPage ) || 0,
        } : {} ),
    } ) )
    // Alias our process steps, because the source, here, is our API url, and paged is the complete query string
    .setDisplayHandler( async ( { source: baseEndPoint, paged: endpointDesc } ) => {
        const url = `${ baseEndPoint }?${ makeQueryStringFromObj( endpointDesc ) }`;

        const {
            // Data to display
            // Get the total number of matched items
            headers: { 'spacex-api-count': totalCount },
        } = await axios.get<ISpaceXLaunch[]>( url );

        return {
            rows:          data,
            totalRowCount: parseInt( totalCount, 10 ),
    } ) );

const app = new Vue( {
    el:   '#demo-app',
    data: {
        columns: [
            { label: 'Flight number', field: 'flight_number' },
            { label: 'Mission name', field: 'mission_name' },
            { label: 'Launch date', field: 'launch_date_utc', representedAs: row => formatUtcDate( new Date( row.launch_date_utc ) ) },
            { label: 'Rocket type', field: 'rocket.rocket_name', sortable: false },
            { label: 'Launch site', field: 'launch_site.site_name_long', sortable: false },
                field:         'links.mission_patch_small',
                interpolate:   true,
                label:         'Mission patch',
                representedAs: row => row.links.mission_patch_small ?
                    `<img src="${ row.links.mission_patch_small }" alt="${ row.mission_name } patch" style="height: 6em;"/>` :
                    `<img src="https://www.gvmc.gov.in/wss/images/noimageavailable.png" alt="No patch for mission &quot;${ row.mission_name }&quot; available" style="height: 6em;"/>`,
                sortable:      false,
                field:         'links.reddit_campaign',
                interpolate:   true,
                label:         'Reddit link',
                representedAs: row => `<a href="${ row.links.reddit_campaign }">${ row.mission_name } Reddit thread</a>`,
                sortable:      false,
        ] as TColumnsDefinition<ISpaceXLaunch>,
        page:           1,

        apiUrlPast:     'https://api.spacexdata.com/v3/launches/past',
        apiUrlUpcoming: 'https://api.spacexdata.com/v3/launches/upcoming',
} );


<div id="demo-app">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-12 table-responsive">
            <h3>Past launches</h3>
            <ajaxtable :columns="columns" :data="apiUrlPast" name="pastLaunches" :per-page="10"></ajaxtable>
            <datatable-pager table="pastLaunches"></datatable-pager>
        <div class="col-xs-12 table-responsive">
            <h3>Upcoming launches</h3>
            <ajaxtable :columns="columns" :data="apiUrlUpcoming" name="upcomingLaunches" :per-page="10"></ajaxtable>
            <datatable-pager table="upcomingLaunches"></datatable-pager>

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